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Fair Chance

Episode Synopsis
Voyager gets pulled into a transwarp conduit and they are pulled back home, but the crew don't get the homecoming they expected

6th to 10th March 2002

Episode Based In
March 2378


Captains Log Stardate 76182.4: Voyager has reached the area where Seventh Lena was at when she sent us the message. So far we have found nothing.

The Mess Hall:
The room was relatively quiet. Several crewmembers were just walking in, heading for Neelix's galley. The mini stage in the corner of the room was being set up for a Virus performance.

"When are we going to do the video?" Craig was asking his bandmates.

"Soon, be patient," Lena muttered as she set up microphones. She pushed a small strand of her now blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"Oh great, look who's come in," Jessie groaned, eyeing the nearest door to the room. Her bandmates looked.

Lena looked at Jessie. "Who's the old guy?"

Jessie was about to reply, but James answered for her. "Crap, I thought he'd be gone by now."

"That's no way to speak about your father," Peter said.

"I thought he told you to stay away.." Jessie said.

"I know, I'm proud of him," Peter said.

Everyone stared, open mouthed, at him. "What did you say?" James asked slowly.

"The way you defended your family, that's the way I've always wanted you to be," Peter replied.

Lena eyed her two friends suspiciously. "What happened?"

"Hard to explain," Jessie replied.

"May I ask though, what are you lot doing on a stage?" Peter asked.

Lena pushed another strand of hair back. "Duh, we're a band and we're going to perform."

"I see," Peter muttered.

"Erm, are we going to perform or what?" Lena asked.

All she got for a reply was 'yeah' or 'whatever' from the rest of the band.

Peter rolled his eyes, and he headed for a table. He watched as the band performed 'Chain Reaction'.

Tom walked in the room, and he sat down at Peter's table. "Hi, you don't mind if I sit here?"

"No, not at all," Peter muttered in response.

"The Captain wants to know if you're staying or leaving," Tom said.

Peter glanced at him briefly. "Staying, if I leave I'll have nothing. Here I have a family, even though they all hate me."

Tom tried to say something comforting, but he couldn't think of anything. Instead he just watched the band perform.

After three minutes the band finished their performance, and they got off the stage. The room was very busy, so there was hardly anywhere to sit. Faye eyed Peter's table.

"There's room on that table," she said.

"I'd rather sit on the floor," Jessie grumbled.

Lena, Craig, Triah, Faye and Naomi ignored her remark, and they sat down at Peter and Tom's table. Peter noticed Jessie and James standing as far away as they could. He sighed, and he headed out of the room. James and Jessie then sat down at the table.

"You two act like a bunch of kids," Lena muttered as she chewed on her hair. The rest of the band, and Tom, watched her.

"Yeah, and you don't?" James said.

"Exactly," Lena said with a strand of hair still in her mouth.

"You know, you've just dyed that. You shouldn't chew on it," Tom pointed out.

"Yeah, but what are you going to do about it," Lena muttered.

"I'll tell you exactly. I can finally start calling you Barbie Girl, since you now have long blonde hair," Tom laughed. The rest of the band laughed with him.

"Hey, I never thought of that," Lena said angrily. She watched the others laugh at her, and she growled. "Knock it off! I was just getting sick of my mum complaining about the unnatural hair colours I kept dyeing, so I dyed it a more natural colour. She wanted it auburn, like hers. Yeah, like that would ever happen."

Everyone groaned, and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Holy crap!" Jessie yelled, breaking the silence. Everyone at the table jumped a mile, and they stared at her.

"What?" Tom asked.

"I felt something really strange," Jessie replied. Nearly the entire table sighed.

"That's it?" Triah asked.

"What do you mean by that's it?" Jessie snapped, glaring at Triah. She cowered at the glare.

"What did it feel like?" Tom asked.

"It felt like something was moving inside of me, and whatever it was must've hit me in the stomach or something," Jessie replied.

Tom chuckled. "The baby's probably just kicking."

"I think I'll go to Sickbay anyway, just in case," Jessie stuttered and she stood up. She quickly left through the nearest door.

James followed her, and so did Tom.

"You know that pregnancy is going to be a problem in a few months," Triah said.

"In what way?" Lena asked, without taking her eyes off the strand of hair she was chewing.

"Use your brain, Lena. She won't be able to perform when she's six months along, will she?" Triah replied.


James and Tom managed to catch up with Jessie, and they got a little ahead of her.

"You don't need to go to Sickbay, Jessie. There's nothing wrong," Tom said.

"Of course you'd say that," Jessie said.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Tom asked.

"Remember you screamed when you heard the news," Jessie replied.

"Geez, can't you take a joke. Believe me, the kid is fine," Tom said.

Jessie groaned, and she held her hand out. "Fine, if you think this is no big deal, why don't you feel for yourself."

Tom looked nervously at James. He gave him a similar look himself. "Oh come on, you should be the last person to be nervous because of this," Tom said in annoyance. James just shrugged. Tom rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I'm telling you, it's nothing."

Jessie rolled her eyes too, and she grabbed Tom's hand. She guided his hand to her stomach. Tom blushed slightly in embarrassment. He managed to pull his hand away. "I told you, it's nothing. I was right."

Jessie shook her head, and she continued down the corridor. James and Tom walked faster to catch back up with her.

Jessie stopped suddenly, and she turned around to face the two guys. "Would you stop following me, I'm only going to Sickbay."

"There's no point," Tom said.

"You're not taking his word for it, are you?" Jessie asked, and she turned back around.

Tom glanced at James, and he nodded his head. "Don't believe me, check for yourself," Tom said.

Jessie overheard, and she turned around. "Good idea." She held her hand out again. James took it, and she guided his hand to her stomach. After a few seconds, James jumped a little.

"That's definitely familiar," James said. Jessie cleared her throat, like she was hinting at something.

Tom laughed, and he shook his head. "And you seem to know what a kick feels like, how?"

Jessie and James looked at each other, and they both visibly cringed. "Damn," they both said.

Tom shook his head again. "You only had Duncan a month, he was far too young to kick, unless you've been.."

"Ok, ok, it's true," Jessie muttered.

Tom's eyes widened, and he stared at her in shock. "I was only joking around with you? When did this pregnancy happen?"

"Remember the ceremony thing almost six years ago," James said.

"Yeah, but I don't remember anything... oh my god!" Tom stuttered.

"Oh great, here come the insults," Jessie muttered.

"No, no, no, I'm not going to skit you for this," Tom said.

"Are you feeling ok?" James asked.

"Cheeky b****rd. I don't know why, but skitting you two doesn't seem fun anymore," Tom replied.

Jessie and James looked at each other nervously. Tom grew a nervous look on his face as well.

"Well erm, I'd better be off," Tom muttered, and he walked away as quickly as he could.

"Ok, that was scary," Jessie said.

The Bridge:
The original Bridge crew were sitting or standing at their stations. Well, all except Tom. He was standing next to Harry's station.

"That's hard to believe. I'll ask them later," Harry muttered.

"I've been skitting them for nearly eight years, things like that grows boring after a while," Tom said.

"Yeah, but after learning something like that I would've thought you'd have something to say," Harry said.

"So what, I had a suspicion back then anyway, so I tried to sound more shocked than I was," Tom said.

"Yeah, that's nice Tom," Harry said.

"I don't know what happened Harry. I felt like I was going to insult them about the whole baby kicking thing, but that idea just seemed pointless after I felt the kick for myself. It wasn't worth insulting I guess," Tom said.

Harry stared at him with a shocked expression on his face. He turned back to his station.

"What was that look for?" Tom asked.

"Nothing," Harry muttered in response. In the corner of his eye he noticed Emma and Tuvok coming out of the furthest turbolift, then head to the Ready Room. Tuvok went inside first after saying something sternly to her that Harry could not make out.

In: "Torres to Kim, I need your help in Engineering."

"Er, on my way," Harry said. He cursed under his breath, and he headed for the turbolift.

Harry took the lift up to the second level. He walked over to B'Elanna.

"Hi, what do you need help with?" Harry asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you," B'Elanna replied.

"Oh, what about?" Harry asked.

B'Elanna placed her hand on the banister. "I need to tell Tom something, but for some reason I don't have the nerve."

"That's odd. What do you want to tell him?" Harry asked.

"I haven't seen Doctor Jones yet, but I think I might be expecting our second child," B'Elanna replied.

"So why can't you tell him?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I don't know for certain. I don't want to get his hopes up. Maybe I should see Ryan as soon as possible," B'Elanna replied.

"Yeah, that may be a good idea," Harry said.

Back on the Bridge;
"Commander, I'm detecting something odd," Tom said.

Chakotay side-eyed the woman sitting in the Captain's chair, and for once it wasn't Kathryn. "Yes, I'm well aware."

"No, it's not that," Tom said.

"I'm getting it too.... uhoh," Harry muttered.

"What is it, Lieutenant?" Tuvok asked.

"It's a Borg transwarp conduit... and it isn't a Borg ship coming towards us," Harry replied.

Annika gasped before leaping out of the Captain's chair, spilling the tacky bracelets she was making out of sweets all over the floor. "Now's my time to shine!"

"Can you tell who's using the transwarp conduit, Lieutenant?" Tuvok asked.

Harry worked at his station.

"Commander," Tom said. Everyone looked up at the viewscreen. They saw a conduit opening, and a pyramid shaped ship flying out of it.

"Red Alert," Tuvok commanded. The lights died down, the siren started, and the red lights started flashing.

"That's strange, why would they use a Borg transwarp conduit?" Tom muttered.

Kathryn ran in from the Ready Room. The first thing she saw was Annika poking the scar where her eye implant used to be, gazing in a handheld mirror, as she stood surrounded by mostly squished candy hearts and jelly tots. She tried to ignore that for the moment. "Report."

"A Tolg ship has just come out of a transwarp conduit, Captain," Tuvok replied.

"We're being hailed," Harry said.

"On screen," Chakotay said.

The viewscreen activated, showing the interior of the Tolg ship. "We are the Tolg. You will be zombified, resistance is useless." The viewscreen switched off.

"Well that was original," Tom muttered.

"They're charging weapons," Tuvok said.

"Full power to shields, ready weapons," Kathryn commanded.

"Aye," Tuvok responded.

The ship shook as the Tolg fired their first shot at the ship.

"Fire back with all we got," Chakotay ordered.

"Yes sir," Tuvok replied.

"Captain, I have an idea," Tom said.

"Lets hear it," Kathryn said as the ship shook.

"The conduit the Tolg arrived in, it's still open. We can go through it to escape," Tom said.

Kathryn groaned, "sure, what could go wrong?"

"That Tolg ship will just follow us, Tom. Besides we don't know where it leads," Chakotay pointed out.

The Engineering console exploded. James, Jessie and Lena got hit by the blast, and they were thrown backwards. Tom and Chakotay rushed over to them. Tom checked their pulses. He looked up at Chakotay.

"James and Jessie will be fine, but..." Tom stuttered. Kathryn stood up as another blast rocked the ship.

"Lena?" Kathryn said quietly.

Tom shook his head, and he looked away.

Chakotay stood up angrily, and he turned to Kathryn. She was physically shaken up.

"Mr Tuvok, prepare the tri-cobalt devices," Kathryn ordered.

"But Captain..." Tuvok said.

Kathryn and Chakotay glared icily at Tuvok.

"Aye Captain," Tuvok replied.

"Beam them to Sickbay," Kathryn ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Harry responded. The ship shook again.

"Tri-cobalt devices ready, Captain," Tuvok said.

Kathryn glared at the ship on the viewscreen. She narrowed her eyes, and she gave the order, "fire!"

Everyone watched as the weapons hit the hull of the Tolg ship, there were a couple of explosions, and the ship was blown in half. A shockwave erupted from the blast.

"Captain, we have to get out of here," Tom said.

"Set a course for the conduit, Lieutenant," Kathryn commanded. Everyone stared at her in shock. "Do it!"

"Aye Captain," Tom said.

Voyager flew into the conduit, but pieces of the Tolg ship followed them in.

"Captain, several pieces of the Tolg ship have been pulled into the conduit," Tuvok said.

"Increase speed," Kathryn ordered. Tom nodded in response.

"Captain, we'll reach the end of the conduit in ten seconds," Tom said.

"Is that all?" Harry commented.

Everyone ignored him. Ten seconds passed quickly, and Voyager flew out of the conduit.

"What's our position?" Kathryn asked.

Harry worked at his station. He stared at it in shock, and he looked up at Kathryn. "I don't believe it Captain, but according to our sensors, we're only one hour away from Pluto," Harry replied.

Everyone stared at him, open mouthed.

"Are you sure, double check?" Chakotay asked.

Harry nodded, and he worked at his station. He shook his head, "the same. We're home."

Kathryn looked saddened. "But at what cost."

Captains Log Supplemental: After an attack from the Tolg, we have arrived back in the Alpha Quadrant. Several pieces of the Tolg ship has been brought with us, and there's still what you call lifeforms on them. We've sent a message to Earth but so far we haven't got a response.

Kathryn and Chakotay were standing around Lena's biobed. Doctor Jones and Tom were trying to revive her, with no such luck.

Doctor Jones shook his head. "I'm sorry."

Kathryn tried to stop herself from breaking down in tears, but it didn't work. Chakotay tried to comfort her, but nothing seemed to help. They both hugged each other.

"This isn't right, Doc, she is a main character," Tom said.

"You can't expect everyone to stick around in a Season finale, Tom, you know how it goes," Doctor Jones muttered. He sighed, and he went to treat his other patients.

In: "Bridge to Janeway."

Kathryn quickly pulled away from Chakotay, and she wiped the tears from her eyes. She tapped her commbadge. "What is it?"

In: "Captain, the remains of the Tolg ship, something strange is happening to it."

"Strange, what do you mean?" Chakotay asked.

In: "It's hard to explain, you should see for yourself."

"We're on our way," Kathryn muttered. She and Chakotay left Sickbay.

The Bridge:
"This is odd, we're being hailed again," Harry said.

"Put it on screen," Tuvok ordered.

The viewscreen activated, this time it showed a damaged corridor. They saw hurt drones in the background. A female drone, who looked about seventeen appeared on the screen.

"I don't get this," Tom said.

"I am Commander Tuvok of the Federation Starship Voyager," Tuvok said.

"Nine of Twelve, secondary processor of Unimatrix 08, but my real name is Nichola. We require your assistance," the female drone said.

"Why should we give you assistance?" Kathryn asked angrily as she and Chakotay stepped onto the Bridge.

"Our battle severed our link with the Tolg Collective," Nichola replied.

"And?" Kathryn said questioningly.

"We don't want to go back to the Collective, we need someone to help us get back to where we came from," Nichola replied.

The Conference Room:
"As you may know, the Tolg Collective was created in what you know as the Seventh Dimension before the Boss used it for his plans. In recent years half of the collective has been dimension jumping, trying to find one that was free of his influence. We thought that your dimension was one of them," Nichola said.

"We have been for a couple of months, the only bother we've had is from one Seventh Voyager crewmember, and the Boss," Tom said.

"So the Tolg decided to take half refuge in this dimension. However, less than two months ago our space was invaded by Federation ships. When the collective detected your ship in the Delta Quadrant, they thought it was one of his just like them," Nichola said.

"But Damien hasn't really been up to that much bother up to now, why start attacking the Tolg?" Harry asked.

"This is the reason why all the disconnected want taking to their home planets as soon as possible. We'll all be killed if we stay on the Tolg ship," Nichola said.

"We're not a taxi service. We're not going around the whole galaxy to take you guys home," Kathryn said.

"It's ok, all the drones on our ship were zombified on Mercury," Nichola said.

"Mercury, no one can live there," Tom said.

"I forgot to mention, the Mercury I speak of is in the Liger's home dimension," Nichola said.

"Yeah, the Mercury there is an M-Class planet," Lilly added.

"Can I ask how?" Kathryn asked.

Lilly inhaled through her teeth, pulling an awkward face. "We're still not so sure about that ourselves."

"We know that your Voyager has connections with the Ligers. You can ask them to send us home," Nichola said.

"After what happened do you really think we're going to help you?" Kathryn said.

"We can pay you back," Nichola said.

"How?" Kathryn asked.

"I'm sure our attack caused a few casualties on your ship, we could help treat any wounded. The Tolg have excellent medical expertise," Nichola replied.

Kathryn and Chakotay looked at each other, and they looked back at Nichola.

"Can you revive people?" Kathryn asked.

"The Tolg are based on death and stuff, do you really think they'll be able to help revive Lena," Tom said.

"Actually, the Tolg have a technique to revive the dead, just in case the species they're zombifying is incompatible when the victims can't be zombified when they're already dead," Nichola said.

"Forget I said anything," Tom muttered.

"So will you revive a member of my crew?" Kathryn asked.

"Yes, in exchange for our safe passage home," Nichola replied.

Kathryn and Chakotay glanced at each other and they smiled.

"Captain, this is illogical. They caused the death of Lena, in a way they're not paying us anything," Tuvok said.

"If it helps Lena, I'm all in for it," Kathryn said.

The Bridge:
"Hey, Tom, what are you going to do when we get home?" Harry asked excitedly.

Tom shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it."

"The first thing I'm going go do is see my parents," Harry said.

"Aaw, are you mummy and daddy's boy?" Claire teased.

"Actually, yes," Harry replied.

"I wasn't expecting that," Claire muttered.

"Hey guys, we'll be seeing Pluto in ten minutes. I think it's time to celebrate," Tom said, and he pulled out a bottle of vodka. He started drinking it, while everyone watched with nervous expressions on their faces.

"I think someone else should take the helm," Harry said slowly. Tom agreed by drunkenly falling onto the floor.

Evil C sat down at the helm, everyone looked at the person nearest to them nervously. "What? I'm probably better than you lot," Evil C said.

"Oh well, we're just going to Earth, nothing much will happen anyway," Harry said.

"Yeah, right on Harry! I think I'll go to Sickbay," Tom said in a slurry voice, he headed into the turbolift.

"That guy ain't right," Claire muttered.

Doctor Jones was with Nichola, treating Lena. Lee was talking to Jessie and James.

"You guys were lucky, Lena got it right in the face," Lee said.

"That's nice. Will she be ok?" James asked.

"I don't know, that Tolg girl was saying nothing but technobabble so I don't know what she's doing," Lee replied.

"I think I'll stay here," James said.

"Great, that means I have to be the one to pick up Duncan from Danny's," Jessie muttered.

"I'm not staying because of that," James said.

"Yeah, whatever you say," Jessie said, and she walked out.

She was only a metre away from Sickbay when she bumped into a drunken Tom.

"Hey Jessie," Tom said in a slurry voice.

"Er, hey Tom," Jessie said nervously.

"You know we're not far from home, wanna celebrate?" Tom asked.

"Erm, not now. Lena's not back yet," Jessie muttered in response.

"Oh yeah, Lena. How's that going?" Tom asked, and he nearly collapsed again.

"To be honest, I don't know," Jessie replied.

"Aaaw, you're worried about her aren't ya?" Tom asked and he developed a stupid drunken grin on his face.

"Erm, I guess so," Jessie muttered.

"Want a hug?" Tom asked and he stretched his arms out.

"No, not really," Jessie replied, and she started backing off.

"Ok, no hug? Are you sure?" Tom asked, and he pouted.

"Very sure," Jessie replied, and she backed into the wall by accident.

Tom got even closer to her, too close for comfort.

"Tom Paris!" a familiar voice yelled from down the corridor.

"Tom!" another familiar voice yelled.

Tom looked around, he saw B'Elanna storming up to him, and James glaring at him from the doorway.

"Crap, I think I'll go into hiding," Tom muttered.

"Are you ok?" James asked on approach.

"I don't know," Jessie replied.

B'Elanna finally got to the others. She slapped Tom in the face, hard. "What do you think you're doing with her! Answer me!" she yelled.

Tom trembled. "I'm sorry B'Elanna," he stuttered.

"Sorry? That's not what I was expecting. I want you to answer my question, right this instant!" B'Elanna screamed.

"Er.. it might've had something to do with the vodka I had," Tom muttered.

"That's no excuse! I thought you loved me, obviously I was wrong!" B'Elanna yelled, and she stormed off. Tom tried to follow her.

"B'Elanna, wait!" he yelled. B'Elanna didn't answer him.

"Ok, if you're not going to tell her, are you going to tell us?" James asked.

"I told you, it must've been the vodka," Tom replied.

"Is this why you were being nice to us earlier?" James asked.

"What are you talking about?" Tom asked.

"You know what I'm talking about, you were nice to her eight years ago when you had that first crush," James replied.

"I don't think so, somehow. I love B'Elanna," Tom said.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Jessie said.

Tom grunted and rolled his eyes. He turned around to storm off, but James grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around.

"Don't you think you're forgetting something," James said.

"Oh, what?" Tom huffed overdramatically. As usual, he was knocked unconscious. James and Jessie went back into Sickbay.

The Bridge:
"Ok, lets put Pluto on screen," Harry said excitedly. Everyone groaned in response. The viewscreen was activated to show the freezing planet known as Pluto.

The ship shook violently, and everyone had to grab onto their stations to avoid falling over. The Red Alert siren went off, and the red lights started flashing.

"What was that?" Claire asked.

"Weapons fire.. Federation weapons fire," Harry muttered in response.

"Locate the source and put it on screen," Tuvok commanded.

Harry nodded, and he worked at his console. The viewscreen changed to show a very familiar looking ship.

"According to the sensors, it's registry is NCC-1701-E. It's the Enterprise," Harry said.

"That weapons fire had to be an accident," Claire commented.

"I don't think so," Evil C muttered. Everyone looked at the viewscreen again. The Enterprise was now firing four blue torpedoes. The ship shook violently again, and the Engineering console blew up.. again.

"That thing's not having a good day," Claire muttered.

"They're hailing," Harry said.

"On screen," Tuvok commanded.

The viewscreen changed to show the Enterprise bridge, but everyone was shocked when they saw who was on it.

"Hi, remember me?" Phoebe said evilly. She started laughing, and the rest of the crew laughed with her. Their Chakotay stopped.

"I don't get it," he said. Phoebe smacked him on the head.

"How's this possible, you lot were killed?" Harry asked.

"The originals were. We're all from lots of different Voyagers, but we were given the original's memories and personalities," Phoebe replied.

"That's just great," Harry muttered.

"How did you get a hold of that vessel?" Tuvok asked.

"That's not what you should be worried about at the moment. All you should know about this vessel is.. that's it going to kick your sorry butts. Good day," Phoebe replied. The viewscreen switched back to show the ship.

The Enterprise continued firing torpedoes.

"Returning fire," Tuvok said.

Voyager fired several torpedoes at the Enterprise, the shields fluctuated, and the torpedoes bounced back towards Voyager. All of the torpedoes hit the shields, and the shields disappeared.

"What happened?" Evil C asked loudly as smoke filled the Bridge.

"I don't know, their shields seemed to reflect our torpedoes!" Harry yelled over the noise.

Kathryn and Chakotay rushed onto the Bridge.

"What is going on?" Kathryn asked loudly.

"We're being attacked by the Enterprise, Captain. Seventh Voyager crewmembers have taken over it," Tuvok replied.

The ship shook violently, and the Tactical station exploded. Tuvok fell to the ground with severe burn wounds on his face and neck. Kathryn knelt down and checked his pulse. She started shaking, and she stood back up.

"Beam him to Sickbay, now!" she yelled. Harry swallowed hard and did what he was told.

"Captain, the Tolg. The Enterprise has just destroyed them," Claire said.

"Who bloody cares about them, Claire. Lets just concentrate on saving ourselves," Kathryn said angrily.

"If we keep going like this, we'll be destroyed," Harry said as another hit destroyed half of the helm. Evil C didn't get hit by the explosion.

"Good thing I have an idea," Chakotay said as he made his way down to the helm. "Erm, whatever your name is.. take us down to Pluto," Chakotay said.

Everyone stared at Chakotay like he was crazy. "Why on earth would we want to land there?" Kathryn asked angrily.

"We could make it look like we're crash landing on the planet. They may think we've been destroyed, and leave us alone," Chakotay replied.

"With this much damage, we might not have to pretend," Harry pointed out.

"Do it," Kathryn commanded.

"Captain, I'm detecting transporter activity on all decks!" Harry yelled out. Just as he said that Chakotay dematerialised.

In: "Sickbay to Janeway. Captain, Ensign Stuart and Crewman Rex have just disappeared."

Kathryn turned to Harry. "Harry, who else has gone?"

Harry worked at his station. "Captain, all of the Marquis crew are gone. Also Duncan, Kiara and Naomi have been taken too."

"What would they want with them?" Kathryn asked herself.

"Ten seconds till we land," Evil C said to get everyone's attention.

Kathryn tapped her commbadge. "Janeway to all hands, we will be landing soon. But because of all the damage we've sustained, it may be a rough landing."

"You forgot to mention who the pilot was," Harry said. Evil C was about to say something but the ship rocked violently as it landed on the ice.

"If it was Chakotay, I would've warned the crew," Kathryn muttered as she held onto the railing.

"Wow, I didn't know the ship could ice skate!" Claire yelled.

Evil C briefly glanced at her. "This thing doesn't have any breaks, damn this ice."

Kathryn rushed back over to the helm, and she tapped in some commands. The ship finally stopped. "Remember, this ship has landing struts, and that's where the brake button is," she said.

"Fair enough," Evil C muttered. Kathryn walked away, but she didn't notice Evil C pulling a horrible face at her.

"Captain, the Enterprise has gone," Harry said.

"But they have our crewmembers," Claire said.

"I already know that!" Kathryn yelled. Claire cowered.

"We can't stay here for long, the ship could turn into an ice cube and we'll never get it off the ground," Harry said.

"Begin repairs," Kathryn ordered.

"Aye Captain," Harry said.

The Enterprise, one of the Brigs:
The Brig was rather large, it was large enough to fit all of their prisoners.

Phoebe and Seventh Chakotay walked in, and they stood in front of the forcefield.

"Well well, our plan worked after all," Phoebe smirked.

"Makes a change, you usually screw them up," Seventh Chakotay said. Phoebe smacked him.

"Why have you.." Chakotay asked.

"That doesn't matter, you will be taken to Mercury in the Liger's dimension as prisoners of the Seventh Dimension," Phoebe replied.

"The planet's actually quite nice, hot but nice. Too bad night time has to come," Seventh Chakotay said.

"What do you mean?" B'Elanna asked.

"Well the device that hides Mercury from people like us is malfunctioning. It keeps blocking out the sun during the day, it gets rather cold so I'm told," Chakotay replied.

"I don't get it," Danny said.

"You will," Phoebe said. She and Seventh Chakotay left the room laughing evilly.

Voyager, the Bridge:
Doctor Jones, Nichola, and Lena came out of the turbolift. Kathryn came up to them.

"Lena, I'm glad to see you're ok," Kathryn said.

Lena just smiled at her. Kathryn turned to Nichola.

"What about Tuvok, can you revive him too?" Kathryn asked.

"No, Captain," Nichola replied.

"Why not?" Kathryn asked angrily.

"I only had enough Tolg nanoprobes to revive Lena, I need another drone to revive him, but somebody told me that the Tolg ship has been totally destroyed," Nichola replied.

Kathryn covered her face with her left hand. "This is not happening. Seventh Voyager, or Enterprise, is going to pay."

"Captain!" Harry yelled to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked his way. "Four Liger ships have just came out of the conduit. Three are the Lillyia ships."

"Try and send out a distress call to them, they may pick it up," Kathryn commanded.

Harry nodded and he worked at his station furiously. He smiled. "They must've detected us, they jumped to high warp to get here."

Lena went over to what was left of Tactical, and she pushed away some of the rubble. "That was quick," she said.

"Their ships can go at warp 9.9, Lena," Kathryn said.

"They're hailing," Harry said.

"Good, open a channel," Kathryn said.

The viewscreen changed to show the Lillyia Z5's Bridge. Scot, Dave and Carly were there.

"It's good to see you again," Kathryn said.

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting to meet again like this. The Z6 and Z7 will pull your ship back into orbit," Scot said.

"Z7?" Kathryn said questioningly.

"Our new addition to the fleet, we'll speak to you once you're up here," Scot said. The viewscreen switched itself off.

"That explains the fourth ship," Harry muttered.

The Conference Room:
All that was left of the main cast, and the Lillyia crew were at the table with a few new faces.

"It happened about a month and a half ago, Federation ships kept coming into our dimension and attacking us. It didn't take us long to realise that it was the Seventh Dimension's dirty work," Scot was saying.

"They have this new weapon that allows them to seriously damage any ship they're up against, and they replace the crew. Rumour has it that the original crew get deposited on our Mercury," Dave said.

"Your Mercury, surely you would know if prisoners are being sent there," a sober Tom said.

"Mercury was taken over by the Seventh Dimension only days after the attacks began, the planet is heavily guarded," Scot said.

"What would they want with our Marquis crewmembers, and three of our children?" Kathryn asked.

"They probably think Marquis crewmembers would be useful for battle, they might brainwash them. The kids will probably be used as slaves," Scot replied.

"We've got to rescue them," Lena said.

"But how? With that weapon of theirs we have no way of getting to Mercury," Dave said.

"We know what their weapon is, all we need to do is find its weakness," Kathryn said.

"Our Fleet hasn't really come up against the weapon, what does it do?" Scot asked.

"Basically if a ship fires weapons at it, they just bounce back at them, twice the power," Harry said as he read from a PADD.

"If their own shield's a weapon, there could be a way to defeat them," Scot said.

Dave eyed him suspiciously. "You've already suicide bombed the F9."

"Haha," Scot said in a droll tone. "You forget, this was Damien's only good idea and I was the one who came up with how to counter it. All ships will need their shields readjusting, and their power frequencies settings changed."

"What makes you think that he hasn't fixed that vulnerability," one of the new faces, a tall dark haired man said.

Scot laughed mockingly, "really? I'd never have thought of that."

Kathryn glanced between the two, her patience running low. "We're going to need a lot more than a shields upgrade. Weapons, battle strategy for example. You said Mercury is well guarded."

Lilly nodded. "Yup, we're going to need to co-ordinate something between all the Z's and Voyager. If I have to, I'll take command of the flagship temporarily."

"The Z7's still fresh out of its packaging. We've been commanding it from the Z5, no one left who is qualified," Scot said.

Kathryn sighed loudly and grumpily, she gestured to her own crew to leave them to it and discuss their own battle plans.

"I think I'll stay as Commander on the Z5," Scot said.

"I wonder why," Dave sniggered sniggered which was followed by a smack from Lilly. He pouted and he rubbed his head. "Come on, that doesn't solve anything, the Z7 is still all ensigns and no leaders. Not to mention the Z5 was my ship first."

"Commander Haxon," Scot said. The unknown guy turned to attention. "You're in command of the Z4."

"Yes sir," Haxon said unenthusiastically.

Scot smiled and nodded. "Z5 Lilly and I, Davey boy can have either the 6 or the new one, his choice. Easy peasy."

"And whatever's left just gets towed, what?" Lilly said, also losing her impatience.

Lena put her hand up. "Ooh, ooh, pick me!"

"You're not a Liger or trained for our ships," Lilly said.

Dave shrugged casually, "well she's done it before..."

"You sure? When she's in command of Voyager it either nearly blows up or crashes," Harry said.

"Shut up you!" Lena yelled.

"Surely Emma qualifies first as a battle commander before random people from Voyager," Lilly suggested. The Liger members of the room looked on, unsure and a little scared that made some sense to them.

"Does it matter? You sort that out between you, my crew have repairs and upgrades to make," Kathryn snarled.

"Upgrades? You mean the shields?" Chakotay questioned.

Kathryn smiled knowingly at him. No one had any idea why.

Captains Log Supplemental: Voyager has been repaired and equipped with some new Liger weapons. Voyager and the Lillyia Fleet are now ready for battle

The Bridge:
Kathryn was sitting on her chair, as usual. Harry was at opps. Tom was at the helm. Emma was at Tactical. Faye was at the Engineering station. Finally, Evil C was at the Science station. The red alert lights were flashing again.

"Weapons and shields status," Kathryn commanded.

"They're 100%," Emma said.

"Right, Mr Paris.." Kathryn said.

"Ohno, something else is coming out of the transwarp conduit," Harry said.

"What is it this time?" Kathryn asked.

On the viewscreen, another Voyager came out of the transwarp conduit.

Kathryn hid her face with her hand again. "If this is the Voyager I think it is, we're doomed."

"We're being hailed," Harry said.

Kathryn rolled her eyes. "On screen."

Everyone groaned when the viewscreen showed Voyager's Bridge, with the Pokémon characters.

"I'm Captain Ash.."

"Yeah, we know!" Emma yelled.

"Hey, you didn't let me finish," Ash pouted, and he started crying. Pikachu shook its head.

"What do you want this time?" Kathryn asked.

"We heard there was a party, so we've come to party," Brock replied.

"Er, ok.. you can join us at our 'party'," Kathryn said. Everyone looked at her with shocked and mortified expressions on their faces.

"Yeaaaaahh! Party!" Ash yelled.

The viewscreen went off.

Everyone was still looking at Kathryn. "We always need some fodder." That seemed to convince everyone. Kathryn pressed a button on the console next to her chair. "Janeway to all hands, we'll be engaging in battle soon. So all hands to battle stations!"

"Shouldn't you have ordered that before?" Tom asked. Kathryn glared at him, and he cowered.

The two Voyagers and the Lillyia Fleet flew past the rocky debris remains of Venus. As soon as they did so they could see a huge fleet of Federation vessels heading towards them.

"It's time, there's no turning back," Kathryn said in an over dramatic voice.

Soon enough the battle was raging, with Voyager and allies easily outnumbered. All of the Lillyia ships were badly damaged, and so was the two Voyagers.

"Shields status," Kathryn commanded.

"10%," Emma replied.

"A few more hits and we'll lose shields!" Harry yelled.

"Tom, we'll have to rely on your piloting skills," Kathryn said.

"Yes ma'am," Tom said.

"Captain, the Z6, it's lost shields!" Harry yelled.

"They're vulnerable, beam the crew to Voyager," Kathryn commanded.

"I'm on it," Harry replied.

Another torpedo hit the shields, and they buckled. The stations at the back of the Bridge exploded, killing innocent crewmembers.

"Captain, the ship's buckling," Harry said.

"Have you got everyone off it yet?" Kathryn asked.

"Locking on to the last few now," Harry replied.

On the viewscreen the Z6 suddenly exploded, creating a shockwave.

Kathryn turned to Harry. "Harry!"

"I've got them, but the last few are seriously injured," Harry said.

"Beam them to Sickbay," Kathryn commanded.

The ship shook violently, and the Tactical station exploded. Emma fell to the ground. Harry rushed over to her, and he checked her pulse. Kathryn stood up so she could see what was happening.

"Harry?" Kathryn said questioningly.

Harry covered his face with both of his hands. "She's dead." Everyone looked at him in shock.

"Not only that, our shields have gone," Tom said.

"We're being hailed by the Z4," Faye said.

Kathryn turned to face the viewscreen. "On screen."

On the viewer, the Bridge of the Z4 was shown. Only Commander Haxon was there, and he was smiling evilly.

"Well, well, I knew someday I'd get revenge," Haxon said.

"What are you talking about?" Kathryn asked angrily.

"Those Liger fools thought I was still Commander Haxon, and they left me in charge of one of their ships. Now that wasn't such a good idea, now was it?" Haxon said and he laughed evilly.

"Who are you?" Kathryn asked.

"I always thought you were a stupid woman. You all should know me as Damien, now surrender Voyager and the rest of the Lillyia Fleet to me.. or I'll destroy you," Haxon said evilly. Dramatic music started, and the camera focused on Kathryn's face. As usual it went too close, and it knocked her unconscious. The screen faded out with the words...



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