Signature Pictures

Inspired by the Scrubs scene where JD was talking about his hairmet not messing his hair up, I commented on the CC scene where Cloud takes off the helmet and his hair is still top notch lol. Meh. I like this one, but no one else seems to.

Ok I can't remember when I made this, so I stuck it here at the bottom. I think it's a pretty sig ^_^ The lyrics are from a song I wrote, which obviously lacks rhymes cos I suck at it. It's one of the better ones I did for one of my stories, which was a musical heh. The song is about lost loves, and maintaining that relationship despite being apart.

As you can see I've recently been playing VIII. The draw system intrigued me until I discovered that it meant you had to choose between bearable and extreme limited use of magics, or crap stats while playing normally.

So so cheesy.. the rest of the FFVII team are reduced to cheerleaders (heh idea for next sig, them all holding I love Vincent style signs/posters ^_^) in DOC. Sigh.. next one Power Rangers jokes.

A simple solution to the Cloud, Aeris, Tifa and Zack "dilemma". Inspired the actual text Tifa sends to Zack (while he's chasing a very fast Cloud to Shinra Mansion might I add lol), note that the text is exactly the same one she sends in the game except not written in text speak ^_^

Meh.. says it all really ^_^

Inspired by the silly CloudxTifa argument that he gives her a special smile at the end of AC, ahem.. Blind-tastic. This'll probably be a first of many anti Cloti sigs, some of their arguments just amuse me greatly ^_^

Oh I couldn't resist. The pic is from Advent Children Complete, and all I think about the scene is (apart from ouch..) wow is Sephiroth really so stupid he'd make the same mistake twice ^_^ Oh only I'll find this sig funny.

My sis BB drools over Cloud, Tidus and Balthier, she seemed interested in the nameless lead character for Versus XIII.. so yeah, I don't need to say anymore.

Lol I wanted to do this sig for a while. This is in response to some of the first topics I'd seen after seeing the movie, which was my first Final Fantasy outing.. "he should of kissed her" was the title I believe. I think it's still there on IMDB, which says it all really. I was more routing for the Kadaj version :p  (kidding). That one seemed a lot more, heartfelt (I'm not kidding..). Though I'm sure a lot of people would like a kiss if they were in Tifa's place, doesn't mean they'll get it :p

Another one I wanted to do for a while. It was inspired originally by a Kingdom Hearts clip I'd seen, where Hercules rescues Cloud from the three headed monster that steps on him.. it's a blink and you'll miss it moment, I swear. The original idea was for Hercules to do that, but there's a clearer pic with Zack now ^^ The Hercules one, you can't prove it's Cloud anyways.

Not a funny one I know. Dissidia had quite a nice ending with all the heroes disappearing, holding a momento from their home game. Cloud had a tad more by disappearing into a flowerfield, holding what looks like Holy. My sappier side decided to make this. Months later I made a desktop version, and well sigified that too. You'll see that on the next page.

Oh dear. I should never be allowed to do these things. Apparently a lot of Cloud/Tifa (Cloti) fans made excuses against the Dissidia endings. One was the Holy materia was actually the black materia that Sephi uses to cast Meteor o_0 Another was the flowers didn't represent Aerith at all, just the theme of the game. So I changed the pic around a tad, and just made fun of everything I could think of. I never used it as a sig, but hey that hasn't stopped me putting in a pic before.

Speaking of which...

This was originally going to be for the next Gimme More video. It was basically just Cloud teaming up with the Dissidia cast to defeat Tifa who has hired several versions of herself (Kingdom Hearts, Original Game) to stalk him. It was going to be made to look like a trailer. This pic was going to appear at the end. It was the only decent part about the video, it was soon cancelled. It's been recently replaced by a prequel to Gimme More, so *shrug* it could still happen. Who knows.

Even my sigs have sequels XD This is to follow on from hi-res Cloud *drool*, obviously. It had to be done. Look at the girls' faces hehe. I couldn't fit Barret on, even if I could find a pic of him with a leery look on his face. Hehe. Yeah I am going by the game's dates with this, ;)

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Animated Stuff