Signature Pictures

To start off Page 5 is a nonfunny one, just pwetty. These were some of the first pics I saw from Advent Children Complete, that weren't via trailers and scans. I thought it was nice enough, I just was stumped for a "funny" joke with it. Meh.

But I managed eventually. XD Meh I only made this because of a convo I had with a great online koibito.. er friend of mine. I quite liked the Zack scene right after Cloud gets pwned by Sephi, but it does add more fuel to the "Omgz Zack >>>>x100 Cloud.. etc.. lame fangirly flame here". Zack's little quip about beating Sephi being a cinch, how would he know? I just thought I'd put him back in his place :P After all, Cloud still got the girl and kicked Sephi's ass, something Zack has never managed to do lmao. Hero legacy my ass. Angeal was a dull dud, and Zack as great as I think he is, doesn't deserve all the praise he's been getting amongst the Cloud bashing. I think the sig itself is edited quite badly, I was pretty rusty when I did it.. and I could not get the layers to work no matter what I did. It was just going to be the Zack text, and a Cloud comeback but I couldn't think of one. I think the little pics say all it needs to really.

Sig version of the new desktop and my current at the time of writing Youtube channel background (that's available in the Desktop section). It's so pretty, but I badly need to replace it with a "funny" one. I'm way overdue.

Simple butt effective XD

PAGE ONE  |  TWO  |  THREE  |  FOUR  |
Animated Stuff